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In addition to writing fantasy, contemporary, romance, and historical fiction, I'm also an editor. In 2008 I began working with On Screen Magazine (previously Big Screen), a UK film magazine, writing feature articles and previews. Shortly thereafter I took the role of Content Editor until 2019, which included multiple rounds of edits with a team of freelance writers. In addition, I have critiqued hundreds of full-length novels, novellas, short stories, query letters, synopses, and blurbs for fellow writers since 2012. Prior to this, I graduated with a 1st class Film BA from Falmouth University, in Cornwall, UK.

All prices are listed below in USD. CONTACT ME
to discuss any of these services at cornwallgirlediting @ gmail dot com. I aim to respond same-day.​

Query Critiques

Query Critique — I will do two rounds of feedback with you on a 1-page agent query letter. Price: $15

Query + 10 pages — Same as above as well as feedback on your first 10 manuscript pages. Price: $25

Query Submission Pack

Feedback on your query letter, synopsis, and first 50 pages. ​Ideally, your synopsis is 1-2 pages max, but if it's longer and you're struggling to see what's necessary and what can be cut, I can help with this too! Send me whatever length synopsis you've got and I'll make suggestions to cut it down to 1-2 pages, whatever your preference.

Price: $75​​


Line-by-line feedback including typos, grammatical errors, repetitive words, and anything I feel might cause confusion. I will also make suggestions if a sentence flow feels awkward. I may include questions and comments where I feel you would benefit from clarifying or simplifying. 

This service is aimed at full-length manuscripts; however, I will accept a minimum of 10,000 words from a full novel, or completed short stories at any length.

Price: $.007 per word (for instance, an 80,000-word novel would cost $560).


This is a lighter version of the copyediting package. If you are a more experienced author, or looking to self-publish and need a fast pass, I will read your entire submission (10,000-word minimum), fixing typos, grammar, and punctuation only (no feedback).

There is a base fee for this of $.005 per word, but for an additional fee, if you are an over-writer (like me!) and want to cut your word count down, I will make suggestions for cutting unnecessary language and simplifying ideas to reach a desired word count. 

Price for Proofreading only: $.005 per word (an 80,000-word novel would cost $400).
Price for Proofreading & Cutting: $.007 per word (an 80,000-word novel would cost $560).


I will read your entire manuscript, flagging repetitive words/phrases, and any areas that may cause confusion, with line-by-line comments as necessary. You will also receive a detailed editorial report with advice on structure, style, and characterization, with a careful eye on inconsistencies, clarity, and pacing. In this report I will give actionable feedback on anything I feel could be improved upon. The main goal of this service is to check where the manuscript may need simplifying, deepening, clarification, or increased tension to make for a more compelling read. (Note: I will not be fixing grammar and punctuation in this edit, as this service is ideally suited to an early stage of your work).

This service is only available for completed works of 50,000 words or more.

Price: $.013 per word (an 80,000-word novel would cost $1040).​

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Cheyenne L. Campbell

Fantasy & Romance Author

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